How will you create your magical life?


 have so much to share with you and have been thinking of you and how you are feeling as we move towards more light in the year and have made it to that halfway point between winter and spring.

Even if you are on the east coast and buried in snow, I hope the energy of spring is beginning to seep in, even in the tiniest of ways.

As I’ve been hearing from a lot of women in my community, it was a very full January for most! After really sinking into my intention for this year, I immediately had a very full month to allow me to drop into that intention again and again, as life threatened to give me a lot to hold!

As I shared last month, my intention this year is to really shine! Even more specifically, to shine without shame. There are a lot of juicy ways I’m personally approaching this in my own life, and as I give myself permission to really BE in this energy to shine, my intention is to give other women that permission as well!

Shame can rear its ugly head and take up a lot of space, taking the shape of things like, ‘I am not enough’, ‘I should be doing it this way’, ‘Why can’t I just do this thing?’ Or if ‘If I was more x,y,z, I could do more, be more’.UGH.

That could go on and on and it will if you don’t say enough.

It starts with knowing what you DO want to embody in your life. Knowing what you DO want to feel and how you want to show up in the world for yourself and for others.

I gathered with some incredible women the other night here in my community and shared some tools that I use and have been sharing with clients in my workshop, Creating a Magical Life.

It WAS truly magical, being in circle once again with women who desire connection and are in a place of finding out for themselves where they can return to love in their lives in all the places that it’s missing.


After our time together, hearing these women share what their reflections were, their ahas and what they couldn’t wait to take with them from the evening, I knew I had to share some of what we dove into with you!

If there is one thing about shining without shame (without the should’s and supposed to’s) that I’m committed to even more this year, it is to share with you the stories, the experiences, the sparks of light that I’m witnessing in my own life, but also in the lives of the women I meet, work with and witness in my life, who are courageous and have chosen to truly say YES to themselves. YES to doing some uncovering and hard noticing, YES to letting what is a YES, that soul whisper… become a calling. To allow that calling to be louder than the shame (the should’s, the not enough’s and the supposed to’s).

It’s life-opening, heart-opening soul work, and being a witness and holding sacred space for your transformations is really nothing short of magical!

So, today, I want to share a practice, a way of being, that I hope will support you this month and beyond as you are in your own process of creating your own magical life.

Bringing in the sacred. The holy. You can create these quiet, holy moments, anytime, anywhere. Most of you have probably heard of the book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, by Marie Condo. I myself, have owned the book for a few years and never read it! However, I did catch the first episode of her new show.

In the first episode, the couple she comes to visit, to organize their home, are super excited to welcome her, ushering her in and ready to get going. Marie quietly and sweetly tells them, that first, they will all have a moment of silence to thank and bless this house that they are so grateful to have and that that is the first step in the process. They seem a little bewildered at first, but go along with it, sitting there in silence, together, taking a moment to say thank you.

After a few moments, they open their eyes and the wife has tears. She has given herself an opportunity to be still, to take in the beauty of this gift, to be in gratitude and it had caused a stirring, a movement in her very soul.

Simple, yes. Powerful, absolutely. They proceeded to jump back in with a new sense of what they were embarking on, grounded to what their intentions were for this project and what they wanted to create for themselves and their home and how they wanted to live inside those walls together.

You can create these holy moments by stopping to bless the ingredients as you prepare a meal with love.Ever notice how those meals taste incredible? Not only because they are delicious, but you are taking in the love and intention of the person preparing it.

Bringing in the sacred lights the spiritual center of your being. It shifts your perspective back to gratitude. It postures you to receive the delight and nourishment you seek.

I invite you to hold this practice close this month and see what comes up for you as you practice these silent, holy moments in your everyday life.

Mini Ritual:

Think of your word for the year, what you really want to embody this year. Maybe you already have a word. Maybe it’s a mantra or a prayer you have for your life.

Create some space for yourself to be in awareness of what this is and allow it to come in with the breath.

Take three breaths in and out through the nose to start, just getting settled and grounded into this quiet place. Then as you take the next three breaths, breathe in your word, or your prayer and exhale out through the mouth allowing anything that needs to go, to tumble out. You can even envision pushing out what needs to go, out through your out breath.

Start with 3 of these and then allow yourself to be in that place for a moment, just noticing what it felt like to breathe this in with intention.

Repeat daily or as needed to reset and remember.


All of the women in the workshop got a chance to sign up for a free connection call with me and I’m extending that invitation to you.

Why might you take advantage of such a call? If you’ve had these thoughts… I know there is more to my life, but I just can’t access it. Or maybe, I’m ready for what’s next, but I don’t know where to start. Or I keep struggling with the same things year after year and I’m ready to shift that, then I encourage you to take advantage of this call.

I was in these very questions 7 years ago and reaching out for support changed everything for me and set me free to be living and creating the life my soul knew was possible!

Here is the link to sign up.

Let me know your experience creating more sacred space and sacred moments in your life! I love hearing from you!

P.S. Join me live on FB beginning next Monday at 1pm CST, on my facebook page, blooming life wellness, for more tips and tools to support you in embracing a magical life!

Join me as we bring more magic into our Monday and dive into bringing the extraordinary to the ordinary!



What would you create if you had no limitations in your mind about your ability to create it?


This message was coming through loud and clear…